Monday, February 8, 2010

Risau status susu skim untuk bayi?

Seorang ibu risau akan produk untuk bayi dan kanak-kanak seperti susu, dan nak jenama susu yang benar-benar halal. Memang di Malaysia ni JAKIM saja yang ada kuasa menentukan sama ada produk itu halal atau tidak. Akan tetapi harus difahami JAKIM yang dianggotai oleh sekumpulan manusia memang ada lemahnya. Banyak pula yang ketinggalan dalam menyenaraikan produk-produk terkini. Jadi, amanah yang diberikan untuk membantu umat Islam Malaysia ini nampaknya masih jauh untuk dilaksanakan, dan banyak persoalan hanya dibiarkan terus 'tersoal' oleh JAKIM. Kasihan saya pada insan-insan yang amat memerlukan bantuan ini. Akhirnya saya khuatir mereka putus asa dan terus mengabaikan aspek halal haram ini kerana JAKIM cuai.

Oleh itu nasihat saya kepada mereka, Harapan Paling Akhir adalah HPA. Jadi, HPA berusaha sekuat mungkin untuk melaksanakan hasrat dan impian ummah untuk mendapat produk yang jauh dari was-was. HPA memerlukan sokongan semua umat Islam untuk menjadikan impian ini terlaksana. Lebih 350 produk HPA kini terjual di pasaran. Jadi, umat Islam ada banyak pilihan produk HPA yang halal, suci lagi bersih.

Kepada ibu risau tersebut, apakah produk yang terbaik untuk beliau?

Perhatian kepada ibu-ibu! ….kajian menunjukkan :

Infants below the age of one year should not be fed cow milk, goat milk, or soy beverage. These milks are low in iron and differ in the protein composition compared to mothers milk. Since infants depend so much on milk, it is likely that they will develop an iron deficiency if they consume cow, goat or soy beverage. Really, breast feeding or infant formula are the way to go, with breast feeding most superior. The iron in breast milk is highly bio-available and will cover the needs for the infant until about the age of 6 months. After that, the Academy of Pediatricians suggests, infants should be supplemented with iron-fortified infant cereals (such as rice cereal), while ideally breast feeding should be continued until at least the age of one.

Another reason that infants should not be fed cow or goat milk is because of the protein. Breast milk is higher in whey and much lower in casein compared to cow and goat milks. Casein is more difficult to digest than whey and may lead to internal gastrointestinal bleeding, which again, could lead to iron deficiency.

There are also mineral differences among breast milk, cow milk and goat milk. Goat milk, in particular, is low in the B vitamin folic acid.

Soy beverages provide more iron than cow milk. However, soy is deficient in many other key nutrients. Remember, soy is a plant and by no means can be compared to mammal milks, which are complex foods made to grow baby children/animals. The nutritional composition of soy and mammal milks are very different.

At the age of one, the American Academy of Pediatrics suggests children can be switched to whole milk. Again, soy beverage is not equivalent to milk and thus should not replace milk in the diet.

Ya benar, seboleh-bolehnya berilah susu badan. Kalau susu badan kurang, amalkan Kopi Radix untuk memperbanyakkan susu badan. Ia dipraktikkan oleh isteri saya sendiri, satu lagi buat satu urutan (selalunya orang-orang tua tau nak urut di mana) untuk melancarkan pengaliran susu badan.

Finally, raw milk should not be fed to infants. Raw milk commonly contains food-borne illness-causing microorganisms (pathogens). Even low levels of certain pathogens can cause illness. Since infant immunological systems are not fully developed, they are at greater risk for disease and death than those with developed immune systems.

The following is presented for your information. It is not intended to endorse or discourage the feeding of any product, milk, or formula to infants, children or adults. As with any web site, this site can not stake a claim to all wisdom on the subject covered. Please seek additional sources of information before you change anything in your life based on what you read here or anywhere else on the internet.

Infants consume about 750-800 g/day for the first 4-5 months (450-1200g/day range).
Note that most of the minerals in goat and cow milk are significantly higher than in human milk. This, coupled with the higher protein of cow and goat milks (more than 3% compared to about 1.3%), make dilution necessary so as to avoid hypertonic dehydration (a result of high solutes in urine). But, after dilution, carbohydrate should be added to cow or goat milk because human milk contains 7.0 g/100g lactose compared to about 4.5 g/100g lactose found in cow and goat milks.

Distinguishing between allergies and lactose intolerance:
Allergies and lactose intolerance are different things.
An allergic reaction is the body’s response to a foreign body (antigen), typically proteins. Goat milk proteins have slightly different amino acid structures than cow milk proteins. Thus, a person who produces antibodies to cow milk proteins, may not produce antibodies to goat milk proteins. However, there is no guarantee that a person who is allergic to cow milk will not be allergic to goat milk, because the milks are similar.

Lactose intolerance or lactose maldigestion result from a person’s inability to completely digest lactose. Because microorganisms in the gut will produce gas, symptoms of lactose intolerance include cramps, flatulence and bloating. Lactose is present in all milks. Thus, goat milk can not successfully be substituted for cow milk in cases of lactose intolerance.

A note about goat milk digestibility:
Goat milk’s tendency to be more easily digested than cow milk is due to its protein make-up. Goat milk has low levels of the protein alpha s1-casein, a protein that is involved in curd formation. Cow milk has higher quantities of alpha s1-casein than goat milk. In fact, some goats naturally produce very little alpha s1-casein. The higher proportion of small milk fat globules present in goat milk compared to cow milk may also contribute to goat milk’s tendency to be more easily digested

Saya menemui maklumat yang sangat berguna ini dan saya sayang melepaskannya begitu sahaja. Jadi saya tampalkan diruangan ini untuk dikongsikan dengan anda semua.

Comparing Milk: Goat, Cow, Human


Perhaps you’ve heard that goat milk is ‘naturally homogenized’:
Because fat is lighter than water, the cream portion of milk floats on top of the skim portion of milk. Most cows milks in the store are homogenized so that we do not see the two phases of milk. The milk is forced through tiny pores under high pressure to break the fat into smaller sized globules. Small globules distribute in milk and do not float as readily. One reason goat milk does not have to be homogenized is because it has a high proportion of small fat globules. The other reason is that goat milk lacks the protein agglutinin. Agglutinin makes fat globules stick together and float.

Kalau nak juga beli susu, beli lah susu ini :


Susu kambing organik HPA adalah susu kambing yang diperoleh dari kambing organik yang diternak bagi mendapatkan susu yang segar lagi asli serta berkualiti tinggi dan berkhasiat. Susu kambing asli ini diperolehi dari kambing jenis sanen, janampari dan jawa. Susu kambing diperah tanpa menggunakan mesin. Ini bagi menjamin kualiti susu yang sebenar dan berkhasiat. kambing-kambing tersebut dijaga rapi dan diberi makananan yang mempunyai nutrisi yang tinggi bagi mendapatkan susu yang berkualiti.

Keistimewaan Susu Kambing:

Kaya dengan protein, enzim dan vitamin A, Mudah dihadam (zarah lemak lebih kecil)
Membantu memperbaiki sistem penghadaman, melancarkan peredaran darah, mencantikkan kulit, mengurangkan sakit kepala dan meningkatkan stamina dan kecergasan. Dipercayai mampu membantu merawat demam kuning, lelah, asma, gastrik, ulser, sakit sendi, sakit pinggang, lemah jantung, barah, osteoporosis dan hepatitis.

Cara Penggunaan:

Jika beku, rendamkan dalam air pada suhu bilik sehingga cair dan kemudian tuangkan ke dalam gelas minuman. Simpan beku selepas dibuka.

Kuantiti: 250 ml

Harga Pengguna
Semenanjung Malaysia: RM 8.50
Sabah & Sarawak: RM

Harga Pengedar HPA
Semenanjung Malaysia: RM 7
Sabah & Sarawak: RM

Semoga kemusykilan ibu risau tersebut terlerai, insyaAllah.

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